I was reading some of the letters from the boys and read that Elder
Stockard was sitting in a small internet café thinking about how fast and well
the week went by. I know exactly how that feels. I know that we are going to
have some stuff to talk about when we get back. I think I got lucky on how nice
my weather is here. It´s a good sixty degrees I would say but people are bundled
up. We should snag about 10 chilangos and put them in Rexburg, Idaho for a week.
I want to see what they would do. I can´t believe that Elder Special K
Christiansen and I have been out for so long. I hope we some how get on the same
flight home.
We had a sweet zone leader meeting this week with Presidente Valadaz. Él se
la rifa. He´s a funny guy. What I liked most is when he taught us about the
Plan de Salvación. He said that there are a ton of pictures of the plan but the
are all wrong because none of them have the Atonement of Jesus Christ at it´s
center. I also had an interview with Presidente Valadez yesterday and he taught
me even more. He also got a little off subject talking about snow chains, iPads
(does anyone in our family have one of those things?), and when he met Elder
Richard G. Scott.
This week I really tried to help one of the elders that has been struggling
that´s in our zone. I went on exchanges with him to his area. He is from Brasil
and kind of dificult to understand since he spoke portuguese for all of his
life. I saw some things that I thought would help him so we put some goals. He
is going to memorize the missionary purpose in English and Spanish, study the
missionary lessons every day, and learn how to speak in Usted form better. The
tu form doesn´t cut it as a missionary.
We looked for a lot of menos activos this week. One day we had been looking
for some all morning when we decided to hike up our hill to San Nicolas (Saint
Nick) to look for a family. We looked for the address and didn´t find anything
so like the resourceful kid that I am, I asked a little girl in the street if
she knew the family. She told us to go into a little alley way and look there.
So we followed her advice and started banging on some doors looking for them.
Before long, two people came by and we asked them about the family. They told us
that they were that family. They let us into their house (that we would have
never found on our own) and we started talking to them. The mom hasn´t gone to
church for 11 years and her daughter now is 15 years old. A few days before she
had been asking her mom about a picture of the temple that they have in their
house and had been thinking about reading the Book of Mormon. She even has a
friend in our ward that has told her about the church activities. I know that
the Lord prepares the hearts of the people that he put 2 lost white boy´s right
where he needed them to find his children. I can tell that we are going to have
a lot of experiences working in La Obra de Salvacion (the work of Salvation). We found one family that
hasn´t gone to church in about thirty years. Right before leaving their house, I
gave him a pamphlet of the Plan of Salvation. He looked at the picture of Christ
on the cover and just started bawling. He said that he had a dream when he saw
Christ in the exact same way.
So things are going pretty slow in our area. As for the baptisms, we are
also in a little bit of a slump but the beat goes on. We have one planned for
this saturday which is a possibility. I love the things that I have been
learning and living. Elder Jones is one of my best friends and we are tearing
the zone up. We have a mini zone conference this week where we are going to be
training them a lot about teaching active members of the church and getting
referrals. So if any of you knows anybody that lives in DF, more especifically
Tlalpan and Contreras, you should definitely hit us up. And be missionaries
yourselves! Just open your mouths and share the joy of the Atonement of Jesus
So times up, but thanks for all of your letters. I got some pictures this
week, and a letter from Mr. Elder Bunn. Oh, and I got shots this morning so I
don´t catch any diseases. I love you with all of my corazoncito.
Elder Hubbard