Monday, September 12, 2011

12 Septiembre 2011

¿Qué tal familia?
I don´t have a lot of time to write this week thanks to a dumb survey that I just had to take for Predicad Mi Evangelio.  How are you??? Thank your letters. They are the best.  Don´t worry about using dear elder.  On Monday nights we always have a district meeting at 6:30.  I always write to you in a city called San Pedro.  That is where our stake center is.  My district leader is Elder Luna. He is a huge Mexican and I love the way he teaches.  This week as been really foggy and not rainy which was a good change.  When you´re out in the country the fog is creepy and the dogs get a little bit jumpy. I hate dogs.  I will never own one in my life.  So we started teaching a boy named Brian after church last Sunday.  Yesterday we baptized him!  He really liked the lessons and us and lives with members.  I got the opportunity to baptize him because they drew my name out of a hat.  I was lucky.    We helped more investigadores get to church this week.  We taught them the doctrine of keeping the Sabbath day holy and more came. Very cool.  Yesterday I had to give a talk in church! In Ajusco. It was about Charity and I think I did good.  The Presidente there is a big help to us. We eat at his house once a week.  He is really poor and such a good guy.  They give what they can.  He told me that I did great and that the gift of tongues is real. My spanish really isn´t horrible.  I can listen to most conversations and know what they are saying.   So I really have no time now after this garbage computer stopped working. Frustrating.  Elder Leyva and I cleaned our apartment all day today.  I don´t think anyone had ever done that there.  It looks brand new now.  So I promise next weeks letter will be longer and better.  Tell Tommy I say Congratulations and Viva Mexico.  The 15 de Septiembre is the Dia de Indepencia here so I hope you all eat some tacos for me.  I love you!!!
Elder Hubbard