Monday, April 30, 2012

30 April 2012

Shayla got engaged?!!?!?!? What the heck?!! I am so happy for her and will be glad to have Jeff in the family.
Speaking of weddings, I love weddings, this week we almost had a wedding! Almost. Fabiola and Rodrigo were all ready and on Saturday we went down to Reyes La Paz in the state of Mexico to marry them. To marry them we have to pay 500 pesos, and they have to have ID and their original birth certificates. Really easy. But when we got there we found out that Rodrigo brought some other thing called is Recognition Act. Sadly, we weren´t able to marry them. I was sooooo bummed. But they still want too and we are planning to be able to do it this Saturday if everything goes perfectly. We spent a lot of time with them this week, teaching the word of wisdom and watching the Restoration video with them. They are such a good family.
I was also able to do two baptismal interviews for the the Paseos Elders this week. The mom was born and raised in El Salvador. It is weird to think that I can talk to almost any person in the Americas now. I love doing the interviews. All went well and they were baptized. It is really cool to see how each person recieves their own testimony.
Elder Ferrin and I had interchanges this week too. We had some really cool experiences in my area.  First of all, we studied Elder Bednars article in the April Ensign which was way sick. It talks about the Atonement and how we can use it to become better. Elder Ferrin and I saw a miracle happen. We were walking down the street to visit who knows who when an other elder from my district who is having a hard time called me to ask for help. For some reason I decided to stop on the corner and talk with him. I was there for like ten minutes and then we started walking again. It just happened that we walked by the house of a recent convert and her mom who isn´t a member. Right as we were walking by, the recent convert Guadalupe walked out. We started talking and she told us how her mom, Carmen, was in bed, unable to walk, because he back hurt so bad. We offered to give her a blessing and she said yes. We went inside and Carmen starting crying, telling us how she never expected or imagined that we would show up. She was really happy to see us. Carmen goes to church with us every Sunday, she just hadn´t felt the desire to get baptized yet. After the blessing we talked to her. Through all of her pain she said, If I get better, I´ll get baptized. And I know that she meant it. It was so powerful to see how Heavenly Father guides us by His Spirit and puts us in the right place at the right time.  She hadn´t been progressing, but He knows what she needs to keep progressing. I´ll let you know how the story ends.
Yesterday we were in church and found out that this huge, Muscle Man guy named Arturo that always goes to church with his wife, wants to get baptized next sunday. Sweet! We have never taught him and he has only talked with missionaries like three times but we are going to try to get him ready by then. It was a nice suprise and a tender mercy of the Lord.  We had a new record of 11 people at church. All progressing investigators.
On a side note, the famous Juana Romero was baptized in Topilejo this Saturdy.  I remember the first time she went to church and left angrily because she thought we were Catholics and found out otherwise. Joke was on her. Hehe. I love that lady like my gramma.  And we don´t have transfers, so another 6 in the Agricola Oriental. Leandro Valle.
Happy Birthday this week dad! Good luck in the MTC, Elder Magill. I love you all and thank you for all of your prayers. The mission is the place to be, even if my family is growing in numbers rapidly. Over and out.
Elder Hubbard

 These are all of the district leaders and their companions in the Ermita zone.

Writing a letter